Blog Pack:
Corrosion-Free Environments
The following are blog posts specific to Corrosion-Free Environments. We hope you find them informative and helpful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information.

Corrosion can seem like an unstoppable force but, in fact, there are ways to eliminate it altogether.
The little device above plays a big role in protecting critical assets such as the Stryker pictured next to it.
Artillery, tanks, aircraft, ships...are all good candidates. But there’s something else you probably haven’t considered.
Marine Force Storage Command (MFSC) is charged with making sure the equipment it stores is ready when the Corps needs it. To help maintain peak readiness, MFSC has called on Cocoon to provide a 100,000 sq. ft. facility to include a dehumidification system.
A storage warehouse in Alabama used for mission-critical military aircraft components, and other parts vital to mission-readiness, held an average of $15-$20 million in inventory.
Corrosion-Free Environments (CFE) can stop corrosion in its tracks - virtually stopping the aging process. Here are the 5 essential elements.
Data is an essential tool in the fight against corrosion. You might have all the right facilities, and all the right equipment, but you can only be assured of success if you have also have the right data.
Readiness isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity. When our troops are asked to answer the call, they need to know their equipment will be ready.
Usage and fatigue are the primary factors in determining the lifespan of an asset. Usage is typically a pretty straightforward measure of flight hours, mileage, engine hours, years, etc. Fatigue is not as easily measured.
In order to protect high-value assets from corrosion and other damage from the elements, they’ll often be stored in controlled humidity environments (e.g., Level III Aircraft Preservation, CHP, APS). It’s a level of storage that stops the aging process.
More than 4,000 man-hours were spent annually to preserve 5,000 pieces of equipment at a facility storing Airborne Weapons Support Equipment (AWSE) and Airborne Armament Equipment (AAE).
The ROI on Corrosion Free Environments (CFE) is impressive – as is their impact on readiness.