Corrosion-Free Environments (CFE)
When critical assets are exposed to humidity, precipitation, UV radiation, salt, pollution, they begin to rust and corrode almost immediately. Corrosion impacts everything from aircraft and vehicles to ordnance and spare parts. The GAO estimated corrosion was responsible for taking 16% of military assets out of action.*
Fortunately there’s an antidote to corrosion. Storing critical assets in humidity controlled environments neutralizes the corrosion that reduces readiness and drives up maintenance costs.
Corrosion-Free Environments Applications:
Aircraft Storage
Vehicle Storage
(prep. stock, parts, etc.)Ordnance (incl. ECMs) + Containers
Prepositioning Ships
Mothballing Facilities

A complete solution:
Different kinds of corrosion (e.g. mold versus rust) occur at different relative humidity (RH) levels. Asset components corrode at different levels as well (e.g. rubber gaskets versus circuit boards). A humidity controlled environment allows you to cover all your bases by maintaining RH levels of +/- 40%.
Corrosion is a DoD-wide problem, and a 24/7/365 battle.
Corrosion is a major threat to readiness across the DoD. You can’t keep humidity from rising, rain from falling, or the sun from shining. Thanks to corrosion-free environments, you don’t have to fight Mother Nature, you can simply outsmart her.
Download the brief for a more detailed explanation of Corrosion-Free Environments, including the elements that are essential to success.
For other points of interest check out the Corrosion-Free Environments Blog Pack.
Example Applications:
Cocoon can use existing facilities or provide purpose-built structures to create corrosion-free environments capable of protecting a wide variety of assets.
Preserve high-value assets
maintain a high state of readiness
protect assets and equipment even in the toughest environments
Significantly reduce waste and loss
customizable and adaptable to your particular needs
in one application cocoon’s CFE paid for itself in just 5 weeks
CFE Assurance Program
Creating a corrosion-free environment (CFE) is just the first step in protecting military assets. Equally important is a program that provides you with actionable, relevant, and timely data, and ensures your facility remains in spec.