CFE Assurance Program
Creating a corrosion-free environment (CFE) is just the first step in protecting military assets. Equally important is a program that provides you with actionable, relevant, and timely data, and ensures your facility remains in spec.
A 2018 DODIG report found there is a lack of proper systems for measuring, monitoring, and reporting on corrosion mitigation programs.* The report concluded it’s not enough to establish corrosion mitigation programs, there need to be systems in place that assure those programs are being implemented.
Cocoon’s Assurance Program provides you with timely, relevant, and actionable data - including real-time alerts when your facility is out of spec.

Save time and money while increasing readiness.
Cocoon offers a CFE Assurance Program that offers real-time alerts when humidity levels are out of spec, encrypted weekly and monthly reports, as well as on-site training, inspection, and preventative maintenance every six months.
Download the brief for a more detailed explanation of our CFE Assurance Program, including the elements we include to assure success.
CFE Assurance programs can be used in numerous military applications:
Preposition Stock
Staged Readiness (vehicles, containers, etc.)
Warehouses & Buildings

Secure and encrypted data provided on a range of measures - from relative humidity and temperature to barometric pressure, orientation (whether a container is upright), to precise geolocation anywhere on the globe.