What gives the DoD the biggest bang for its buck?
DoD weapons represent impressive firepower. But when it comes to ROI, Controlled Humidity Preservation (CHP) offers a whole different kind of bang for the buck.
Higher levels of readiness
The biggest benefit of CHP is that it increases readiness levels, which, when all is said and done, is the most important measure of return. Weapons are only lethal if they’re ready to deploy.
Significant cost avoidance
Corrosion-related expenses are conservatively estimated to be around $20B annually across the DoD.* CHP can greatly reduce those costs. In one facility alone, CHP reduced losses of aircraft components from 20% down to 0% annually. Those savings not only paid for the facility in just 4-5 weeks, they added up to over $25 million over 10 years.
Improved performance
Corrosion can negatively impact the performance of critical assets such as the accuracy of weapons, the avionics of aircraft, etc. And there’s no arena in which peak performance is more important than in the military.
Extended useful life
While placed in CHP facilities, equipment doesn’t “age.” As a result that equipment can be used over longer periods of time without needing to be replaced.
Reduced man-hours
Think about how much time is spent on inspections, reporting, repair, and parts replacement related to corrosion. A CHP facility we installed for the Marine Corps eliminated 2,000 inspections and 4,000 man-hours annually. That facility paid for itself inside 6 months.
Increased time available for scheduled & preventative maintenance
By reducing, and even eliminating, maintenance man-hours spent on corrosion-related problems, more time is available for scheduled and preventative maintenance.
Reduced strain on supply chains
Reducing the need for replacement parts reduces strains on an already stretched supply chain. This is more critical than ever with the increase of assets deployed to INDOPACOM - which poses both corrosion and supply chain challenges.
Reduced strain on personnel
CHP makes life easier across the board. There’s less worry about readiness, or stretching maintainers too thin as they try to do both corrosion repair and scheduled maintenance. Warfighters aren’t climbing into moldy tanks, or worrying about rusted gun barrels, or delamination of ballistic glass. It can help take some of the stress out of a world where there’s plenty of built-in stress as it is.
Even if measured money alone, an argument could be made that CHP offers the best return-on-investment in the DoD. A study by the DoD Corrosion Policy Office found the average ROI for corrosion mitigation projects was 50:1!** And when you add in all the other benefits, you’d be hard-pressed to find something that offers a bigger bang for the buck.
“Even if measured money alone, an argument could be made that CHP offers the best return-on-investment in the DoD.”
Contact us to discuss all the ways you can benefit from CHP (what we call Corrosion-Free Environments) or download the Brief here.
*LMI “Estimated Impact of Corrosion on Cost and Availability of DoD Weapons Systems” FYi18 Update
Artillery image courtesy Pfc. Christopher Brecht. Maintenance image courtesy Master Sgt. Bryan Hoover.
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