The 5 essential elements of a Corrosion-Free Environment
Corrosion-Free Environments (CFE) can stop corrosion in its tracks - virtually stopping the aging process. Here are the 5 essential elements:
1. A space that allows you to control relative humidity (RH) levels. (We can retro-fit existing spaces or stand-up purpose-built spaces.)
2. Dehumidification systems that work in any climate (this excludes condensing units) and are standardized for the purposes of part-sourcing, maintenance, training, etc.
3. A properly designed system capable of maintaining 40% RH (+/- 5%) in order to protect everything from gaskets and seals to circuit boards.
4. A system that not only monitors/measures RH levels but includes real-time alerts when out of spec, and regular weekly & monthly encrypted reports.
5. In-person inspection, maintenance, and training every 6 months.
Corrosion-Free Environments are critical to maintaining readiness, lowering maintenance costs and total ownership costs, and extending asset lifecycles. When all 5 essential elements are in place, a Corrosion-Free Environment will more than pay for itself - making it a high-return investment rather than a cost.
To learn more about the effectiveness of CFEs and their applicability to a wide range of needs, click here to download our Introductory Brief.
Aircraft Storage
Vehicle Storage
Warehouses (Prepositioned Stock, parts, etc.)
Ordnance (incl. ECMs)
Prepositioned Ships