A Corrosion-Free Environment Pays For Itself in 5 Weeks

The Situation

A storage warehouse for mission-critical aircraft components, and other parts vital to mission readiness, was losing a projected $2.5 - $3 million dollars of inventory annually due to corrosion. Given that they stored on average $15- $20 million worth of parts and components, they were losing about 15% of their inventory every year.

The Solution

Working with AMCOM’s Corrosion Program Office, and one of the Army’s elite fighting units, Cocoon and its long-time partner Munters designed and installed a system for maintaining relative humidity below 45%, within a temperature range of 60-80 degrees. That level of environmental control eliminates the conditions under which corrosion can occur.


The warehouse was losing a projected $2.5 - $3 million dollars of inventory annually



The Payoff

Since the installation of our DryCool® System, no newly-stored parts have been lost or written-off due to corrosion. The system has ensured mission readiness while also eliminating the labor hours associated with re-ordering or reconditioning parts and components.

With an investment of just $200,000, the customer realized savings of $2.5 - $3 million annually. They earned back their initial investment in 4-5 weeks, and achieved a return-on-investment of over 1,000%.