As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Or in this case, a few minutes spent putting on protective covers can save hundreds of maintenance man-hours and greatly reduce the risk of Non-Available Days (NADs).
Read MoreNearly 30% of the maintenance costs for C-130s are corrosion-related, and the lion’s share of those costs are hull/frame-related. One of the key contributors to the corrosion problem is an outdated insulation system.
Read MoreIt’s well known that corrosion puts a lot of stress on equipment and structures. What’s less obvious is the toll it can take on personnel.
Read MoreNo, this is not some sort of existential exercise, it’s about what you’re really buying when you purchase a protective cover for military equipment.
Read MoreWhen Army Aviation & Missile Command put forward the challenge to develop a more effective protective cover in 2007, we had 30 years of corrosion-prevention experience, but we didn’t have a protective cover product.
Read MoreAn armored vehicle is built to withstand the impact of bullets, shell fragments, and other projectiles, but it’s no match for the elements.
Read MoreThe primary reason some sunshades are substantially cheaper than others is that they use less steel. Their product and engineering are more oriented towards cost savings than durability.
Read MoreCorrosion has, of course, always been a threat to operational readiness - but perhaps never more than today. You might have your own list, but here’s our list.
Read MoreINDOPACOM is an enormous challenge when it comes to logistics and supply chains. One reason is that INDOPACOM itself is enormous.
Read MoreIt’s widely recognized that INDOPACOM doesn’t yet have the infrastructure it needs to implement the strategic shift to that theater.
Read MoreSomething you can’t miss when you’re in the heart of INDOPACOM is that the climate represents one of the forces you’re fighting. Some combination of heat, humidity, salt air, and precipitation are attacking your assets everyday.
Read MoreContrary to popular belief, the earth is not closer to the sun during the summer. In fact, it’s farther away. But you’ll notice that the sun sits higher in the sky during warmer months. So what does this have to do with protective covers?
Read MoreWe asked a popular chat bot whether atmospheric corrosion represents a threat to national security.
Read MoreForm, fit, and function are separate and inseparable all at the same time. They are each an aspect of cover design but inextricably tied together.
Read MoreCocoon President Chip Crotty was invited by the Adjutant General of the Guam National Guard to pay a visit for the purpose of troubleshooting and brainstorming corrosion issues and solutions. Joining Chip from Cocoon was Business Development specialist Roy Barrett.
Read MoreOver a ten-year period LMI calculated that corrosion was the cause of nearly 6 million Non-Available Days (NADs) for Army Ground Vehicles.
Read MoreCocoon is pleased to announce that Steve Houten and Scott Gould have joined the company’s sales team.
Read MoreToday’s protective covers are technical textiles consisting of multiple layers, so your evaluation has to be more than skin deep. You’ll want to know not only what the layers are, but how they function.
Read MoreTurrets are notorious for leaking, no matter what kind of vehicle they’re on. Aside from being unpleasant, and potentially unhealthy (mold and mildew), leakage can do real damage to the vehicle.
Read MoreCocoon South, based just outside Asheville, North Carolina has moved to a larger facility to better support its textile development efforts.
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