By thinking “around the box” we were able to solve a long-standing corrosion problem on the C-130.
Read MoreThere’s no way to prevent falling snow (even in New Orleans!) or freezing rain. In fact, the elements are relentless. Your assets are under attack 24/7/365, and every day they go unprotected, the costs of corrosion increase.
Read MoreIt seems only right that a company in corrosion-prevention should erect buildings that are themselves corrosion-resistant - right?
Read MoreMilitary aircraft include far more technology than ever before. These new technologies have greatly enhanced the capability of military assets, but have also made them more susceptible to corrosion.
Read MoreCorrosion can seem like an unstoppable force but, in fact, there are ways to eliminate it altogether.
Read MoreMilitary vehicles include far more technology than ever before. These new technologies have greatly enhanced the capability of military assets, but have also made them more susceptible to corrosion - which puts their readiness at greater risk.
Read MoreIt's ironic that something microscopic makes such a huge difference to protecting your critical assets.
Read MoreLightweight corrosion-mitigating blankets will now be standard equipment.
Read MoreSometimes the size of a problem becomes part of the problem itself.
Read MoreA look at the risks corrosion poses to sustainment.
Read MoreLearn more about how new technologies are helping the military fight corrosion to keep assets ready - and lower the cost to maintain them.
Read MoreIt’s well known that corrosion puts a lot of stress on equipment and structures. What’s less obvious is the toll it can take on personnel.
Read MoreCorrosion has, of course, always been a threat to operational readiness - but perhaps never more than today. You might have your own list, but here’s our list.
Read MoreINDOPACOM is an enormous challenge when it comes to logistics and supply chains. One reason is that INDOPACOM itself is enormous.
Read MoreIt’s widely recognized that INDOPACOM doesn’t yet have the infrastructure it needs to implement the strategic shift to that theater.
Read MoreWe asked a popular chat bot whether atmospheric corrosion represents a threat to national security.
Read MoreOver a ten-year period LMI calculated that corrosion was the cause of nearly 6 million Non-Available Days (NADs) for Army Ground Vehicles.
Read MoreYes, cost avoidance is an enormous benefit. But what gets overshadowed by those staggering dollar figures is all the other benefits you get.
Read MoreCorrosion impacts operational readiness in more ways than you might realize. Not only can it ground aircraft and make weapons systems and tactical vehicles unusable, it can decimate supplies and spare parts.
Read MoreCritical assets covered in snow are susceptible to corrosion. That’s because when snow melts, it covers the surface of equipment with a layer of water that just sits there.
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