Even our buildings themselves are engineered to withstand corrosion.

It seems only right that a company in corrosion-prevention should erect buildings that are themselves corrosion-resistant - right? Every structure we install is engineered and manufactured by Rubb Buildings, widely considered the world leader in steel-framed fabric structures.

And every one of their buildings features hot-dipped post production galvanized steel - widely considered the best protection you can give steel against corrosion.

The key elements are hot-dipping and post-production. By hot dipping, versus using pre-galvanization (pre-gal), or coatings, you get a far more durable material. When a truss or similar item is immersed in the molten zinc, any hollow area is vented, which means the entire inside of the material is coated as thoroughly as the outside - something you can’t achieve with coatings or pre-gal. You also end up with a much thicker coating (more than twice as thick as pre-gal) and the zinc coating even has self-healing properties which protect the steel through a process called “cathodic bridging.” (But that’s a topic for another blog post!)

The reason the steel is hot-dipped post-production is because any cutting or welding done during production destroys the protective barrier. That’s one of the problems with pre-gal. Those pieces of steel are likely to be cut or welded, which then destroys the galvanization and creates an opening for rust and corrosion. By dipping the steel post-production you eliminate any degradation of the zinc coating.

If you’re looking for a building that will resist corrosion in even the harshest environments, you can’t do better than using a steel frame that’s been hot-dipped post-production. Contact Cocoon to learn more about how you can use these durable structures in a variety of ways - from hangars to warehouses to sunshades.