Your assets are more exposed to the elements than you may realize.

U.S. Army Photo by Capt. Travis Mueller

Both Mother Nature and man-made hazards put unrelenting pressure on every asset in the military. Your vehicles, aircraft, equipment, weapons systems, parts, are all vulnerable to humidity, pollution, UV radiation, temperature fluctuations - you name it.

What’s especially challenging is that different environmental hazards damage different parts of each asset. Some things cause delamination of windows, others cause seals and gaskets to shrink and/or crack. Some hazards affect coatings and foul lubricants, while others cause mission-crippling corrosion. 

In other words, if you’ve got assets outside, you’re fighting the elements on a number of fronts.

But while you may not be able to fight Mother Nature, you can outsmart her. From creating corrosion-free environments to employing protective covers, you can mitigate and even eliminate the hazards that decrease your readiness and increase your unscheduled maintenance. 

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CorrosionBrian Beaulieu