What do you know that we need to know?

At the heart of our work, whether it’s developing a new cover, or designing a hangar, is a deep understanding of the problems you’re trying to solve, the needs you’re trying to address, the challenges you face. It’s a collaborative and iterative process that involves asking lots of questions before coming up with final answers.

A good example is the cover we recently developed for a new turret. During the discovery process we learned that one of the problems the customer was trying to solve was turrets being in different positions when vehicles were stored. It was explained that in the past, these vehicles would get stored with turrets at various positions, which was causing problems.

Working together we developed a solution by designing the cover so that it could only be installed with the turret facing the right direction for storage.

Until we began collaborating, no one thought about the cover being a mechanism for ensuring uniform turret positioning in storage. It was only through discussion, and a deeper look at the problem/solution set, that the Cocoon/Customer team was able to solve a problem that hadn’t even been on the table to begin with.

As a company that survives and thrives by continuously looking for better and better answers, we not only welcome your ideas and input, we seek them out. So give us a call - even if you don’t have any questions for us, we’ll have plenty for you!

CocoonBrian Beaulieu