“By the darkness, stars are revealed.”

Evette Carter

We want to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the remarkable work that was done this year by emergency personnel, healthcare workers, the military, and everyone else who has responded to this year’s crisis so unselfishly and tirelessly.

It’s tempting to want to usher out 2020 in a hurry - to see it as a year we want to leave behind as quickly as possible. Understandably. 

And yet it’s important to see the many bright spots that have shone through. During this difficult time we’ve seen great compassion, and truly admirable levels of dedication through very long days. We’ve seen resilience and creativity as businesses find new ways and safe ways to serve customers. We’ve seen the adoption of technology at an unheard of rate, and a pace of innovation that would have seemed impossible a year ago.

One of the brightest spots for us is that videoconferences have enabled us to meet the kids, spouses, and pets of our colleagues and business associates. Few things have brightened our days more than cats walking across keyboards, kids climbing into laps, dogs angling for a little screen time, and surprised spouses suddenly realizing they’re on camera in the background.

Ironically, at a time when weren’t able to meet people in person, we’ve ended up getting to know them better in some ways.

So as we say goodbye to 2020, we’d like to say thank you to everyone who provided the bright spots and the inspiration that’s kept us all going. We’re certain that no matter what 2021 brings, it will be full of bright spots as well.

Happy New Year!

CocoonBrian Beaulieu